Sunday 9 March 2014

A way of looking at how we use money, made very easy.

                                A way of looking at how we use money made very easy.

Now I am going to share a simple way of giving information about our money system so we can see together what we are really actually participating in and accepting and allowing to enslave us, instead of serving us or supporting us in the best way possible. And within this writing I must also say, that it is to be referred to as for the future when we set all points on a more effective and practical way/manner within the proposal as we have it now on the LIG-proposal. Thus within this proposal we are going to deal with debt in the monetary system more deeply in the future. For now this blog is a future reference as to bring a little bit more clarity about this particular point within the monetary system that is not yet clearly understood by all of us within this world.

A few days ago, I was looking for a way to share the information about money and looking for examples to use that will catch the human mind so to speak, and bring to the attention how ridiculous it is and how totally NOT common sense it is to participate and give our power to money as it exist in this world in the form of DEBT.


Most of us about now, whom have investigated at least a little into the information on the internet and in books have come to see/realize and understand that money is created out of nothing in most countries by the Central Banks of that country. The governments of these particular countries are promising the central banks that they will pay them the money back in the future plus interest on top of it. So the starting point of this whole money creation is our problem, it is created to be debt, something we owe someone or a little group of people, because they came up with an IDEA that will give a certain value to the things we want to exchange with each other. And then we gave the value a number, as in how much is it worth in numbers and through these numbers we could then exchange the little things verses the big things with each other without one or the other seeing it as being unfair, because the one has a small object to exchange and the other a much bigger one, or have less in quantity and the other more in quantity. So by giving the value these objects have with a specific number which we call today PRICES has become how much worth the objects/commodities are to us.

So now, I am going to make this much more easy, because I saw/realized and understood that when I share this information with people, still there is this fog that is in front of them, just because the word money is in the sentences I use. And when it comes to money we are very blind and deaf. Everything that is a new information or maybe something one have considered yet will be met with: " yes, but............."

Now, to make this whole ordeal about money much more easy to see, if it is not yet easy for one to see it, I will change the word money with the word bicycle in order for us to see the ridiculousness about this whole money creation and the debt that has to be paid, just because someone or a group of people have come up with an idea to solve the problem that was existent within the exchange of commodities, that was unfair. I am going to tell a little story to illustrate this problem we have with money. And through this story it will be clear immediately that the debt we've have accepted and allowed to be placed in the creation of money has to go. I will use an unrealistic scenario and event and purposes, but yet still with the underlying principles of how the money system functions now intertwined within it. Understand that even though this story may be seen as a comic, because of its absurdity, yet I suggest to really look within the story as one will be seeing the ridiculousness of how we are accepting and allowing a system of money in the real world to be as absurd as this story to mess up our lives and all of life on earth, thus take it also serious.


Imagine You the reader are someone whom wants to go from point A to point B. But you do not want to walk anymore, because it takes you lots of time to walk from A to B and what you are doing when you get to B, is just hand over a piece of paper and then you are back on your way to point A. You arrive home exhausted and out of breath and can't  do anything else around the house, but to hit the bed immediately.
Now here you are; pondering and pondering, how you are going to solve this problem. Because you have had it with the walking from point A to B and wasting a lot of time and energy just to hand over a piece of paper.

So now, you come to me ( I am going to be the banker in this story)  and you are asking me if I know a way to make your movement/travel from point A to B  more easy and with less energy waste and also waste of time.
So I told you that I will have a look at this problem and will let you know when I come up with an idea. So I went home and I ponder and ponder about how to solve the problem, and boom out of nowhere the idea appear within my mind and I said to myself: " I got it!"

The very next morning I woke up early and couldn't wait to tell you the " good news."
And I told you, that I have come up with a great idea that will solve your problem. I will create something that I have called: " bicycle," for you to jump on it and ride it to your destination which is point B and get back to your starting point A, without having to waste too much time and energy.
And the sinister part of my great idea came to fruition. I told you that I am not going to GIVE you the bicycle as a gift, because it is mine, I made it up, it's my idea, it belongs to me. What I will do is: " I will rent it to you, you know like;' you can borrow it and use it as IF it is yours and then you bring it back to me'."
Then I hit you with the full blow. I said: " BUT................when you bring the one I borrowed you I need you to bring another one with the one you borrowed." 
You look at me with a face as saying: "are you crazy, are you joking? how in the hell am I going to be able to bring you another one, when I had none in the beginning and the one I am using is also not mine but yours, this doesn't make any sense to me?"

Then I said: "no no no, wait. Don't worry about that, I will borrow you 3 more, so you can bring the 1 I borrowed you first plus the other one I need from you together with it and you will still have 1 over, but don't forget that the 1 you have over is also still mine and now, because I borrowed you 3, I need you to bring these 3 back to me plus 3 more of them, because I went through all the trouble to make these 3 extra to borrow you, so you can have something to give back to me."  So now you owe me 6 bicycles plus the one you are using as if it is yours, because it's mine. Thus in total you owe me 7. And then I go again; 'now I need you to bring these 7 back to me plus 7 more because of the great work I had to do to come with 7 of these bicycles for you. So you owe me 14 bicycles now.
You look at me with an amaze face and reply: "man, you must be crazy, how the hell am I again going to be able to come up with 14 of these bicycles when I only got 1 and even this one is not mine either it's also yours?"
I reply: " look, let's do something else, you know what? I will just continue making more and more of these bicycles for you in order for you to keep on having something to give me back that actually belongs to me, for all the trouble I went through to solve your problem of traveling more easier and with wasting time and energy. Thus don't worry, I will make sure you will have more than enough so you can keep on giving it back to me, based on what I have decided you should be giving back to me, which to me the double of it, would be perfect."
So you look at it but you did not see the greater problem that this will bring with it in the future and you just agreed with it and accept and allow me to be the one that will create these bicycles for you to do what you have to do.
So now one day as you were cycling to point B, on the road as usual you are passing all these other people whom are doing the same thing you do, which is to bring a piece of paper from point A to B, and they all started to ask you where you got that thing. You told them that you are borrowing it from me and lots of them, because when you are done traveling from A to B and back from B to A again, you have to give me it back plus more. Now suddenly you saw an opportunity to get rid of the amount of bicycles you have stacked up and you said to all of them: " you guys know something, I have lots of them anyways and I really just need 1, so I will borrow you guys each of the ones I have got and then you guys return it back to him."

So when more and more people starting coming out of nowhere with my bicycles I saw that this can be a lucrative business, I can let all these people owe me more bicycles, and so I did! And boom the great demand in my bicycles has been born. Now everyone that needs to go from A to B for whatever reasons are coming to me for bicycles. They all want and need more and more bicycles.
Now I see that I have created a dependency for my bicycles and everyone was accepting and allowing the borrowing methodology, that later I named: " loan."
Now by seeing all this, I decided that I need to seal this deal so that only I can benefit from this great business that just arrived at my doorsteps. I told everyone that I am going to make a contract with them when I borrow them my bicycles, and what I did was placed lots of newly created words that only I will know about what I really mean with these words and let them sign it and the moment they sign it, they will not know that in actuality they signed that through these bicycles IF they cannot bring them all to me back I will take what is really valuable to them from them, like their houses and their other possessions and the road they travel on from point A to B,  I will make sure to close it down, because I will decide that now I can own it, because everyone is using something that is mine to travel on it and if they cannot bring my stuff back, I will just take things and own them. So through this whole bicycle business I have come to get away with what was really valuable in the communities.


So as we can see in this unrealistic story, the absurdity of debt in the money system. We can see that we will never be able to pay back the amount we owe because we started with nothing, and as in the end of this story, those whom are creating the money are in actuality through the money busy owning everything that is of actual real value in this world, which are the land, the work we do, the foods we eat, thus everything that is detrimental for life on earth for the human.

That is why I say, to investigate LIG, because with LIG we can all decide in each country to nationalize the banks and through this we issue our own money and we make sure that the prices we will use are prices that are in accordance with reality and that the salaries people have are also enough that people can actually afford these things that are suppose to be a given for a decent life on earth. This one point alone will solve lots of problems within our usage of money.


Larry Manuela

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