Saturday 15 February 2014

Money VS Life.

I am starting writing in this blog points about money that are personal and that are also world wide.
I start with the personal one within this blog.

I am in a trajectory in this country( The Netherlands) wherein the government is helping one to deal with one's debts. According to one's situation one will be assigned to one of the 3 forms of help they offer.

These are:

**  Debt- Mediation
**  Debt- Restructuring
**  Remediation-Credit


Within this form of help they will try and make a deal between you and the creditors, and you get a portion of your income to live from. Everything you make that is MORE than the (bijstandsniveau)= assistance-level stipulated by law, will be used to repay your debts. From your creditors are expected that they do not calculate any interest on the debt you have with them and also to not sent the bailiff people after you.

 which in my situation would be this amount:
21 jaar tot pensioengerechtigde leeftijd:21
alleenstaande|  677,27|  643,41|33,86

According to the chart that is given for this year. Thus € 677,27 will be my assistance-level amount I am entitled to according to the law. I will put the link at the bottom of this blog when finished.


This works in the same way as the Debt-Mediation, but within this form of help one gets a new debt/loan with the (Kredietbank)= Creditbank. With this loan one's debts will be paid off as much as possible. What remains of your debts will be forgiven. You only have a debt with this Kredietbank, that will take 3 years of living on assistance-level I mentioned in point one, which is in my case the € 677,27 per month, which is for an individual living alone older then 21 years of age, up to the age of receiving a pension.


A new loan with the Kredietbank is being called: a Remediation-credit. The creditors will receive at once a final settlement amount. And you receive one new loan from the Kredietbank that you have to pay in 3 years period. This is the most comfortable form for the creditors as for the debtor.

Benefits for the creditor:
* in one go receiving an amount
* files can be closed
* no administrative and collection cost during the Debt-relief-grant- process/trajectory

Benefits for the debtor:

* a debt-relief-grant-process/trajectory with success
* no more different creditors
* end date in sight completely clearing
* no remaining debts after the process/trajectory

So every week I will be receiving what is called: "leefgeld" = "living allowance" Which depending on my situation will be something around € 40,- to € 50,- per week.

So as one can see, this help that is given is not really help, its more a system of punishment for what you have done within the system in relation to the money in the system. Within all this one also have to pay very good attention to everything that one will agree with signed on paper, because one may be humble within what one have done and get into an acceptance of everyhting mode, because one knows one want to get rid of one's debts, but one must also be aware that, the system is not in the humble mode, it is a system that is set within laws, rules and regulations that are not in the best interest of everyone, and if there is any chance that the system can abuse one some more, it will be done. These laws/rules and regulations should be ironed out flat or totally eradicated, and be replaced with a few that gives the incentive of care.

So I have received a contract that I have to sign in 7 days, and in this contract I have noticed that only what I have to agree with them as to what they expect from me is put in the contract, and on top of this the contract is in itself a form of a resume and not an in-depth explanation and clarification about the points they want me to sign for. So I will be sending them the points I want them to put in that contract too first about the clarifications of the points and second, what I also expect from them, because at the end of the day, it is going to be my money that they are going to use, so I need to know exactly what is being done with my money and how much is being paid to whom and all of this on paper, because I do not want to be abused, just because I am asking for help and being given an opportunity to be helped by them, especially when my money will go to them and then from them I will be receiving this "living allowance" and  from which my debts will be paid off.

So as one can see, and this is just the tip of the iceberg what I have shared here, there are much more to take into account, this system even within the confines of wanting to help one still relies on keeping the system alive and kicking and treating the human that is supporting it as a slave that have to/needs to obey its rules/laws and regulations written by a few human beings and accepted and allowed by the rest of the human beings that are participating within it, either directly or indirectly.

So what is behind this increasing pressure that is being put on the citizens of a country to maintain such a system of abuse is the debt itself within the money system. We are acting as if there is no other way but to stick with this system of debt no matter what, even when we all are aware of the consequences within our own lives and also within the lives of others within this world.

Now within LIG(living income guaranteed) we are proposing that debt be forgiven, this is for sure a solution that will take away the burden that is being put on many people's shoulders in this world.
One must take into consideration that everything that is actually being created or produced is done by the people in this world that are doing the actual practical work itself. It is not done by the people whom are making the laws/rules and regulations about money. It is within these laws/rules and regulations that we have accepted and allowed our own enslavement. This point needs serious realization. Now I am not saying to go and fight and be against the rich people or those whom are in power in this world, I am saying to just realize that the money we are enslaved to is not what we are together producing as products within this world when it comes to things we are making to make our lives better and such. We built bridges, we built homes, cars, roads, airplanes, clothing, we farm, we are the cleaners, and the cooks,  all kinds of things. Yet through money we have accepted and allowed ourselves to enslave ourselves and make money something like a person, the intermediary between us and what we ourselves do, or have to do to survive in this world, that decides for us what we will need to live with and/or by and if we can get it or not or go make it or not. Yet what is here as what the world is producing and we are using to create things with is not dependent on this money, nor our abilities to come up with ideas to create with what is here as resources on this earth is depending for real on money. Money is right now unfortunately the stimulation-point within the world we have placed ourselves in to rule over our lives. Money as it is right now has more value then the resources itself and the work that is necessary to be done by us the people to built and create the things we need to live  a descent life on this planet as comfortable and as best as possible with everything that is here.

Thus LIG, is a simple solution to our immediate pressing problems that is not difficult to put into place within the current system, its a perfect solution without much complexity. We are aware of our dependency to the current system, thus that is why baby step solutions are required, before we move into more complex ones, so everyone can experience first hand in their own personal lives what these changes entail and then we move faster and with responsibility as our guide till we are living as responsable human beings that actually really do care about all life.


Larry Manuela

Want to find out more about LIG, visit our website.

Links that I used for the information provided:

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